For centuries, the people of Selva have used herbs from the mountains and gardens to make medicinal and cosmetic products, to cook, and to decorate their celebrations. Thus, at the Fira de ses Herbes de Selva 2024, one of the main events in the municipality, six very special plants (rosemary, orange tree, rockrose, olive tree, myrtle, and fern) are highlighted. At the same time, the characters from the Mallorcan tales, an old still used to distill myrtle water as one of the central acts of the festival, and the exhibition and sale of a wide variety of products intimately related to all kinds of herbs. All this brings together the inhabitants of Selva and visitors every year to enjoy the most magical and mysterious fair of all the festivals that enliven the calendar of festivities in the Balearic Islands.

Fira de ses Herbes de Selva 2024 Program

fira ses herbes selva

Photo: Facebook Fira de ses Herbes.

Thursday, June 6

  • 19:30h: Facade decoration workshop by Julià Frau. Sale of scarves and badges of the Fira de ses Herbes, price 1€. Location: Plaça Major.

Friday, June 7

  • 19:00h: Crida del Saig de les Herbes by Selvaescena, accompanied by the Xeremiers de Selva. Location: Town Hall Balcony.
  • 19:00h: Opening of the exhibition by the students and teachers of CEIP Es Putxet de Selva with the panels of the Fira d’Herbes de Son Carrió. Location: La Rectoria.
  • 19:30h: Dance show by the Agrupació Aires de Muntanya de Selva. Location: Plaça Major.
  • 20:30h: Round table: 25 years of the Fira de ses Herbes. Location: Ca ses Blaies.
  • 21:30h: Tapas night. The town’s bars, restaurants, and cafes offer a variety of tapas and drinks. Ambient music. Location: Plaça Major.
  • 21:45h: Performance by the Municipal Band of Selva. Location: Ca ses Blaies.

Saturday, June 8

  • 7:30h: Alborada. Meeting of the myrtle pickers. Starting location: Plaça Major.
  • 9:00h: Decoration of the church stairs. Sale of scarves and badges of the Fira de ses Herbes, price 1€. Location: Plaça Major.
  • 12:00h: Opening of the Hort de les Rondalles. Explanation of the school garden model and baking of cocas. Location: Carrer Escoles 7.
  • 18:00h: Entry of the myrtle and cercavila. Walk of the pickers and the dimonis boiets accompanied by the Xeremiers de Selva. Starting location: Carrer Cirers.
  • 18:00h: Opening of the fair market. Stalls of medicinal and aromatic plants, cosmetics, liqueurs, perfumes, cocas de Sant Joan, books, organic products, and products made with plants and essential oils. Location: Plaça Major.
  • 18:30h: Start of the distillation process and dance of the Estol de ses Herbes. Location: Plaça Major.
  • 21:00h: End of the distillation process.
  • 23:00h: Foc de l’Estol de ses Herbes. The characters of the Estol de ses Herbes with the giants na Rosa and en Pau de Selva. Location: Plaça Major.
  • 23:30h: Batucada Gorimba.
  • 00:00h: Closing of the Fira de ses Herbes de Selva 2024.

Sunday, June 9

  • 22:00h: Lyricandles. Opera by candlelight performed by Carmen Pérez, Maia Planas (soprano), Pablo López (baritone), David Mohedano (pianist). Location: Plaça Major.